Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Coming to the United States 1870's

Read: 256-259 (Textbook)

A steamship which immigrants traveled through. (

1)How much time was the trip from Europe and Asia, and how would you have liked it?
-The trip across the Atlantic Ocean from Europe took approximately one week, while the Pacific crossing from Asia took nearly three weeks. There were no airplanes during that time period which meant they all had to travel through steamships which were much slower.
-I would have not enjoyed it because it was crowded, filled with diseases, and many people died.

Immigration processing station called Castle Garden in New York. (

2)What are the names of the main immigration processing stations in San Fransisco and New York? Describe the immigrant's experience at each.
-Castle Garden in New York, which was later moved to Ellis Island in New York Harbor. Immigrants were detained for a day or more before they were inspected. Processing immigrants took five hours or more. They has to pass a physical examination by a doctor, people with diseases were sent home, if they passed they would then report to a government inspector. The government inspector would check documents and questioned them. One of the requirements included proving that they never been convicted as a felony.
-Arriving on the West Coast gained admission at Angel Island. Chinese immigrants entered the United States through Angel Island. They were harshly questioned and long detention.

Chinese Exclusion Act. (

3)How did Denis Kearney try to stop Asian people from entering California in 1882? Why did he do this, and how would you feel if you were Chinese?
 -Denis Kearney tried to stop Asian people from entering California in 1882 by the Chinese Exclusion Act. The Chinese Exclusion Act banned entry to all Chinese except students, teachers, merchants, tourist, and government officials.
-If I were Chinese during that time period I would feel like I was not receiving the respect I deserved as a human being.

Gentleman's Agreement. (

4)In 1907-08 the Gentleman's Agreement did two things. What were they?
-In 1970-08 the Gentleman's Agreement was that Japan's government agreed to limit emigration of unskilled workers to the United States in exchange for the repeal of the San Fransisco segregation order.
-The Agreement did two things, first of all it limited emigration of unskilled workers to the United States. Secondly, the exchange for the repeal of the San Fransisco segregation order.

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