Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Unions & Labor After World War I

Reading: http://goo.gl/kwCV4
Website: http://www.goanimate.com

Essential Questions: 
1)Do workers have a fundamental right to form unions and strike? 
-Workers did not have the fundamental right to form unions and strikes because it could interfere with the war effort. Although, after  the war in 1919 people began to strike because they did not get raises and employers did not want them to join unions. Employers called striking workers communists.
2)Why did union membership plummet in the 1920's?
-Many immigrants were willing to work in poor conditions.
-Immigrants spoke in many languages so it was hard organizing them.
-Farmers who migrated to cities to find factories jobs were used to relying on themselves.
-Most unions excluded African Americans.
3)Were workers treated fairly during the 1920's?
-Workers were treated unfairly during the 1920's because they did not get the respect or pay they deserved.
4)If you were a labor union leader, would you have done anything differently?
-If i were a labor union leader i would have tried to form improving statements that would make the employers realize their horrible decisions, create better cooperating efforts, and overall increase efficiency.

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