Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Treatment of Peoples of Color

Essential Questions: (Page 288-289)
1)How did Mexicans earn a living in the late 1800's, and where did they do this work?
-Mexicans were hired to work on railroads more than members of any other ethic group to construct rail lines in the Southwest with the least amount of pay. Mexican workers became the major force in the agricultural industries of the region. 
2)Describe African-American life in the 1900's (where did they move to, what was their experience, etc)?
-Most African Americans lived in the segregated South, but, a great amount moved to Northern cities because of better paying jobs and social equality. Although, it has discrimination, segregated neighborhoods, unequal workplace, and they often discouraged black memberships/employes.  

Railroad Tracks. (http://globalcitizenblog.com/wp-content/uploads/globalcitizen/railroad_tracks414.jpg)

Discrimination. (https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiiltcaFAKuxCEUHHGb-WAOvlxrvg7Vc23Kxc2fwoKRuWVN6Xi7J6FQJvxh86ytYuTZc_oZR8-UDglVywZqc1ypxkKiKC-irTAWC1erAejCgcAdn2xqLpH7L8F69WEj-ndfVl6_gSRU3RXL/s1600/Against_discrimination_by_Flincus.jpg)

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