Thursday, February 28, 2013

Life in the 1920's- Prohibition

Essential Questions: 
1)What was the prohibition?
-Prohibition was the banning of alcohol.
2)What groups were responsible for the idea of prohibition?
-Social reforms, Southern and Western people, and cultural people were responsible for the idea of prohibition.
3)What were their reasons?
-There reasons for prohibition were that liquor was a prime cause of corruption. Ex/led to crime, wife and child abuse, accidents on the job, etc.
4)How did people get illegal alcohol?
-Drinkers got illegal alcohol by going underground to hidden saloons and nightclubs also known as speakeasies. Also, penthouses, cellars, office buildings, and much more.
5)In your opinion, was prohibition a good or bad idea, and why?
-In my opinion i think prohibition would have been a better idea if they enforced the law better because irresponsible drinkers are a problem. Although, at the same time i think prohibition was a bad idea because it caused more issues.

18th Amendment, No beer, No work. (


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