Thursday, February 28, 2013

Life in the 1920's- Prohibition

Essential Questions: 
1)What was the prohibition?
-Prohibition was the banning of alcohol.
2)What groups were responsible for the idea of prohibition?
-Social reforms, Southern and Western people, and cultural people were responsible for the idea of prohibition.
3)What were their reasons?
-There reasons for prohibition were that liquor was a prime cause of corruption. Ex/led to crime, wife and child abuse, accidents on the job, etc.
4)How did people get illegal alcohol?
-Drinkers got illegal alcohol by going underground to hidden saloons and nightclubs also known as speakeasies. Also, penthouses, cellars, office buildings, and much more.
5)In your opinion, was prohibition a good or bad idea, and why?
-In my opinion i think prohibition would have been a better idea if they enforced the law better because irresponsible drinkers are a problem. Although, at the same time i think prohibition was a bad idea because it caused more issues.

18th Amendment, No beer, No work. (


Monday, February 25, 2013

New Technology & The 1920's


1)How did the automobile affect America?
 -Automobiles affected America because it changed America significantly. It opened many jobs because there was now roads, home garages, gas stations, motels, camp sites, shopping centers, traffic signals, etc.
2)What's urban sprawl, and what caused it?
-Urban sprawl is when cities spread out in all directions. The reason for urban sprawl is because of cars being created in the 1920's.
3)What was the first use of airplanes NOT during the war?
-The first use of airplanes NOT during the war was a carrying service for the U.S. Post Office.
4)Predict what's going to happen to the American economy.
-I predict Americans economy decreases because cars cost money and being able to go around enables people to spend more money. Also, new inventions were being created to enable people to have an easier life. Although, the new better inventions cost more money.
5)Embed a video into your blog post.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Unions & Labor After World War I


Essential Questions: 
1)Do workers have a fundamental right to form unions and strike? 
-Workers did not have the fundamental right to form unions and strikes because it could interfere with the war effort. Although, after  the war in 1919 people began to strike because they did not get raises and employers did not want them to join unions. Employers called striking workers communists.
2)Why did union membership plummet in the 1920's?
-Many immigrants were willing to work in poor conditions.
-Immigrants spoke in many languages so it was hard organizing them.
-Farmers who migrated to cities to find factories jobs were used to relying on themselves.
-Most unions excluded African Americans.
3)Were workers treated fairly during the 1920's?
-Workers were treated unfairly during the 1920's because they did not get the respect or pay they deserved.
4)If you were a labor union leader, would you have done anything differently?
-If i were a labor union leader i would have tried to form improving statements that would make the employers realize their horrible decisions, create better cooperating efforts, and overall increase efficiency.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The U.S. After WWI

Essential Questions: 
1)Describe the feeling many Americans had after WWI.
 -Many Americans felt bad after WWI because it became harder to live. The price of living doubled, they were tied and exhausted of war, and the economic situation. Women and minorities had jobs taken away or faced unemployment. 
2)What were some reactions by Americans to their post-WWI feelings?
 -Some reactions by Americans to their post-WWI feelings were fearful of outsiders. People become nativist or isolationist,  people also feared communism because they were trying to get rid of capitalism. 
3)What did the Palmer raids accomplish? Why did Palmer do the raids? 
-Palmer did the raids because he wanted to hunt down political radicals (communist, socialist, and anarchists) because the capitalist system.
4)What did the KKK fear? Did their membership grow in the 1920's
-The KKK feared anyone who was not Americanism. The membership grow in 1920's because people were fearful and scared of change and therefore, joined the KKK.

Ku Klux Klan [KKK]. (

KKK; America First, America for Whites. ( 

1)What was the quota system? (i.e. The quota system was a law that...)

-The quota system was a law that established the maximum number of people who could enter the United States from each foreign country.
2)Was the quota system discriminatory? If yes, to whom?
-The quota system discriminated against people from Eastern and Southern Europe. Mostly, Catholics and Jews.
3)How was Mexico affected by the quota system?
-Mexico was affected by the quota system because the law did not apply to immigrants from the Western Hemisphere. Almost 500,000 Mexicans crossed the nation's borders.
4)How was Japan affected by the quota system?
-Japan was affected by the quota system because the law prohibited Japanese immigration. Which caused bad feeling between the two nations.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Progressive Exam Reflection

Essential Questions:
Test Corrections/Missed Questions: 
1)Southern states sometimes used a grandfather clause to allow them to
Correct Answer: (C)Keep African Americans from voting while allowing whites to do so.
My Answer: (D)Deny voting rights to African Americans who passed the literacy test.
-I missed question one because the question was confusing for me because there was two good answers but answer (D) was more correct than answer (C).
2)Cities in the late 19th century expanded with the development of all the following except
Correct Answer: (C)Airplanes. 
My Answer: (D)Suspension bridges. 
-I missed question two because i did not carefully read though the answers and was thinking about a different time period.
21)The last states to grant women full suffrage before 1920 were
Correct Answer: (B)Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Michigan. 
My Answer: (A) New York, Michigan, and South Dakota. 
-I missed question 21 because i was too quick to answer and did not double check to ensure that my answer was the correct answer. 

*I learned as a test taker i improve if I'm under less stress and am more relaxed. I could improve by carefully reading the questions. Overall, i believe i did a good job because i tried my best and had confidence. 

Score: 20/23

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Treatment of Peoples of Color

Essential Questions: (Page 288-289)
1)How did Mexicans earn a living in the late 1800's, and where did they do this work?
-Mexicans were hired to work on railroads more than members of any other ethic group to construct rail lines in the Southwest with the least amount of pay. Mexican workers became the major force in the agricultural industries of the region. 
2)Describe African-American life in the 1900's (where did they move to, what was their experience, etc)?
-Most African Americans lived in the segregated South, but, a great amount moved to Northern cities because of better paying jobs and social equality. Although, it has discrimination, segregated neighborhoods, unequal workplace, and they often discouraged black memberships/employes.  

Railroad Tracks. (

Discrimination. (

Monday, February 4, 2013

Recreation in the U.S.

Essential Questions: (Page 292-293)
1)When and why did Americans begin to recreate?
-Americans began to  recreate in the late 1800's. Americans recreated to have fun because before all they did was work for a straight 16 hours with no enjoyment in their life.
2)Were the reasons Americans began to recreate the same or different compared to Americans today?
-The reasons Americans began to recreate is still the same compared to Americans today. Americans still recreate to have fun.

Tennis. (

Bike. (

Friday, February 1, 2013

Teddy Roosevelt's Presidency

26th President Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt, term: 1901-1909. (

"It's hard to fail, but it is worse to never to have tried to succeed." (

Teddy Roosevelt (T.R.) Essential Questions:
1. Describe T.R.'s life before he became president (where he was from, date he was born, something interesting about his life).
-T.R was born on October 27, 1858 and died on January 6, 1919. T.R. was born on 28th East 20th Street, New York city. Child of Theodore and Martha Roosevelt. T.R attended Harvard University. 
2. How did he become president?
-T.R was the 26th U.S. president. His term was September 14, 1901 though March 4, 1909. He became president because William McKinley was shot and died in 1901.
3.What was T.R.'s "Bully Pulpit?"
 -T.R's Bull Pulpit was a terrific platform from which to advocate an agenda. (Ex/ White House.)
4. Summarize T.R.'s opinion on civil rights?
 -T.R's opinion on civil rights was that the wanted separate but equal. 
5. Explain if you would like T.R. if he were president today?
-I think i would not have liked T.R to be president today because separation would not be ideal for this time period.