Friday, December 21, 2012

The New American Immigrants

Link to quiz:

1)Which was NOT a reason why native-born Americans encouraged Americanization?
 My Answer: (B) Native-born Americans wanted the immigrants to practice their customs.
2)What were cities most like for the new immigrants coming to America? 
My Answer: (C) Immigrants would most likely have had to dodge horse manure.
3)What would best describe the cities to a new immigrant?
My Answer: (A) Pickpockets and thieves were plenty.
4)Why did immigrants move to the cities in the first place?
My Answer: (D) A & B only.
5)People moved from the farms to the cities because?
My Answer: (B) Farming technology improved.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Labor Unions Emerge

Link to reading:

Essential Questions:
1)In its entirely, labor unions were (good/bad) and why?
Labor unions were people who joined together to improve their lives. The laborers formed together because they all worked hard in unsafe working conditions and still did not met their bills.
2)Describe the sweatshop and how 146 women died in a fire, and how it could have been prevented.
Sweatshops or workshops were in tenements. They were tedious and required few skills. 146 women died in a fire because the monopolies locked the doors because they were scared their workers would escape or steal from their business therefore, the women were not able to escape/leave during the fire. It could have been prevented if the workers had better working conditions.
3)What is a scab, and why would unionized workers not like scabs?
Scabs are what the businesses ordered to replace working people on strike. Unionized workers did not like scabs because they went along side with monopolies when laborers were fighting against monopolies for fair rights.
4)Describe the type of people who formed the IWW union.What does IWW mean?
IWW unions were formed by socialist. IWW means Industrial Workers of the World. 

-Based Upon what I have read, labor unions were people who joined together to improve their lives because they all worked hard in unsafe working conditions and still did not met their bills. The tenements was a sweatshop in which 146 seamstresses died because the monopolies locked the doors and held their workers in like a jail because they were scared their workers would escape or steal from their business therefore, the women were not able to escape/leave during the fire. The fire ladder only reached to the 6th floor when the seamstresses were on the 9th floor. These details could have been prevented if monopolies cared more about the working conditions of their workers. Monopolists did not want unions because their working people rebel against their business and their workers did not like the way they ran things in the factory/sweatshop. Union members did not like scabs because they went along side with monopolies when laborers were fighting against monopolies for fair rights. Scabs were the who the businesses ordered to replace people on strike.Many factory and sweatshop owners disliked the vision of unions like the IWW because they were socialist and socialist wanted the workers to have their needs met. If the workers had their needs met that meant that the monopolies had to spend more money on the business and their workers and the monopolies tried to spend as little money as they possibly could. IWW unions means Industrial Workers of the World.

Scabs were people who businesses replaced when their workers went on strike and scabs were paid less than their workers. (

Tenements were bad condition apartments where poor working people live/work in sweatshops. (

Friday, December 14, 2012

Hopelessly Bound to the Stake

Link to cartoon:
-Berhard Gillam

Essential Question:
-Did the government have any responsibility for placing workers on the stake?
The government had some responsibility for placing workers on the stake because they may have contributed to the monopolies by accepting a donation from the monopolies allowing them to be in the senate room where they made laws. Monopolies contributed their thoughts which may have lead the law being made in a different perspective, a perspective that would be helpful to the monopolies but not the working people. 

Hopelessly Bound to the Stake:
1) "Cartoon signifies the cruel treatment by the wealthy industrialists toward their workers."
2) "The workers were overworked and underpaid."
3) "As a consequence to this unfair treatment, workers began organizing labor unions."

1)What are three pieces of information you chose?  Why did you choose the three?
I chose parts of the article because they represented the cruel treatments the monopolies gave their workers. The first part shows that monopolies were wealthy and did not treat their workers with respect. The second part reveals that workers worked too much for too little. The monopolies only cared about themselves rather than themselves and their workers. Lastly, the third part proves that workers later rebel against all the mistreatment by forming groups to go against the monopolies.
2)Were labor unions necessary? Why?
Labor unions were necessary because monopolies were taking advantage of their workers and they rebel by forming labor unions.
3)Did the government help make monopolies? How?
The government helped the monopolies when then the monopolies donated money to the legislative branch to help ensure they would have a say in the laws being made. If the monopolies had a say to the laws the government were making they would try to make laws that would better fit their businesses.  
4)How did money in politics contribute to this cartoon? How has this changed?
Money in politics contributed to this cartoon because the monopolies are the ones who are the wood, meanwhile, the working men is the one being burned. The difference between now and then is that the people with money are not fat or wear top hats any longer. Money still plays a huge part in the world.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Are The Old Bosses Still in Charge?

Link to cartoon:

1)What is the setting for the cartoon?
The setting is the senate room. The senates are one half of the legislative branch and the other half is the house of representatives.
2)What entrance is open and what entrance is closed?
The monopolists entrance is open and the peoples entrance is closed. Having the monopolists entrance open means that that have more power than the people. The people have no say in their rights that are being made because they are not allowed to make decisions or even enter the room.
3)Who do you think the large men at the back of the room represent?
The large men in the back of the room represent special interest groups.
4)Why would the large men be in the room in the first place?
The large men are in the room because they want to influence how the laws will be made to help better their own needs. Such as, business wise. 

 "Alienated nation: Americans complain of government disconnect":

Essential Question: Whose voice is loudest in government?
-The senates and large men in the back of the room have the loudest voice is government because they have the most money.
-The people are unhappy with government because the senates have too much say in government. The senates are over paid and only attract and connect to their special interest groups.

"American people have long been frustrated with their leaders." 
Brain Montopoli, "Alienated nation: Americans complain of government disconnect", CBS News, June 28, 2011, 12:01am

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Rise of Industry and Monopolies

Reading Website:

Essential Questions:
1)What were the three main causes of industrial growth?
-The three main causes of industrial growth were: Natural resources, government support for business, and growing urban population.
2)Trusts and monopolies during America's early industrial age created...
-Trusts and monopolies during America's early industrial age created separation, long working hours, and low wages for workers.
Industrial growth was created by natural resources, government support for business, and growing urban population. Trust and monopolies during America's early industrial age created separation and bad working conditions for workers. Companies got rich from controlling production, wages, and prices. Monopolies began in the United States because the United States was the place with natural resources which was great for business. Money is all that mattered to the business owners. John D. Rockefeller argued that it was okay for workers to get paid low wages because they donated money back into a facility for the people to find cures for diseases. Monopolies felt like they were better than others at young ages. It is not easy to create monopolies and those who were able to were sneaky, under-minding, and shady. Sherman Antitrust Act was not effective and monopolies wanted the Sherman Antitrust Act to be weak therefore their business would be strong. Monopolies are people who wanted low competition or wanted to buy out all competition.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Because of Electricity

Haiku: (5-7-5 Syllables)
Thomas Edison 
Electricity change lives
Factories in charge 

     My haiku and images show my understanding of the importance of electricity to people and business because Thomas Alva Edison invented an entire system for producing and distributing an entire system for producing and distributing electrical power. Electricity changed peoples lives because the nature of business changed. Business now used inexpensive convenient source of energy power to run numerous machines. Electricity was invented and allowed manufactures to locate their plants wherever they wanted. Industries are now allowed to grow and process more than ever due to the invention of electricity.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Major Events before the Civil War


1. Around 1858, the United States was divided geographically- North and South- with the South states were dependent on slave labor. Meanwhile, the North states became more industrialized, wanting to abolish slavery.
2. The country was so divided by the issues of slavery, California made a deal of The Compromise of 1850 to become a state. Henry Clay and Stephan Douglas allowed for states to decide if they wanted slavery, or not. The decided by voting or popular sovereignty. Also, The South received fugitive slaves laws, which meant slaves who escaped to the North had to return to their masters.
3. Around this time, many Southern states were seriously considering secession, a state that wants to leave the "Union", the United States.
4. Many people from the North hated slavery, they tried to help the fugitive slaves. People who helped fugitive slaves to freedom were called abolitionists. The way they helped them to freedom was by hiding them in a series of hiding places along the route to Canada, which was the Underground Railroad.
5. When Uncle Tom's Cabin was published, it told the story of how slaves were taken to the "slave market" to be sold. Northern abolitionist were angry because they have been against slavery. Southerners thought wrong because it criticized their way of life.
6) Two politicians became famous for their slavery debates, Stephan Douglas and Abraham Lincoln. Douglas and Lincoln were both against slavery, although, they had two different ideas of dealing with slavery. Lincoln believed slavery should have been abolished because it was against a person's natural rights. Douglas believed people should decided through popular sovereignty.
7) On December 20, 1860, the election of Abraham Lincoln. Which causes Southern states secession from the Union. The first state to seceded was South Carolina, followed by the others.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Post Election Analysis

 Partners: Jenny Juabe and Jomyla Arroyo

-Marijuana Legalization in Colorado and Washington

1. Cite examples of "Supreme Law of the Land"  
-"Marijuana is still illegal in the eyes of the federal government, which overrules states' rights."
2.Cite examples of "federal vs. state authority" 
-"Federal law still says marijuana is an illegal drug."
3. What was the "compromise" that helped to pass the referendum in Washington? How do you think this compromise would affect demand for the product?  
-The compromise that helped pass the referendum in Washington by the process of a heavy tax for marijuana. I think this compromise would affect the demand of marijuana buyers negativity because in this economy people are in poverty and can't afford to pay with the increase of the sales tax. It would impact the individuals who don't use marijuana positively because it makes the uses have to pay more for a drug that now has been legalized. 
4.Why was Oregon's referendum not passed?  
-Oregon's referendum was not passed because it would have handed most of the regulating power in the marijuana industry to the growers rather than independent overseers. Half a dozen marijuana referendums in total, with three of them proposing legalization for recreational purposes, and the others dealing with medical marijuana.
-Obama Victory Tweet

1.What audience did the article say social media was targeted to? Do you agree or disagree? Explain. -Social media was targeted to Tweeter, Facebook, and email. I agree that Tweeter, Facebook, and email were used to target audience because it is the fastest way to communicate, share, and respond during this time of the world.
2. According to the article, which candidate was most effective using social media? (cite a passage from the article)  
-"The words "four more years", coupled with a photo of Barack and Michelle Obama embraced in a hug, have become the most retweeted Twitter post ever. The US president tweeted the message at 0416 GMT, and it has since been retweeted over half a million times. It underlined the now pivotal role social media plays in informing and persuading potential voters."  
3. According to Jeffrey Hermes, taking a picture of your marked ballot can be used to pressure people standing in line to vote. Do you agree or disagree, and why? 
-"Display of a marked ballot to voters waiting in the queue can be used as a form of pressure to vote similarly, or to confuse voters who have difficulty reading English as to how to mark their own ballots". 
I agree that display of a marked ballot influences voters opinion because someone may choice one person over another in order to feel like they are going with the crowd or someone who may not understand how to correctly mark the ballot, therefore, they copy what they see as a sample.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Immigration/ Industrialization Key Terms


1. Nativist/ Nativism is favoring the likings of people who were born in the country rather than people who came to live from a foreign country.
2. George Eastman was an American innovator and businessman who founded a company that made film for pictures, after his findings photographing became common.   
3. Horizontal/ Vertical Integration describes a type of business, to promote profits, growth, efficiency, and control supply of trade or service.
4. Meat Inspection Act was a law that prevents mislabeled meat products from being sold as food, to ensure that meat products are killed and produced under sanitary conditions.
5. Thomas Edison made many devices that influenced life around the world positively, as in the record player, motion picture camera, electric light bulb.
6. Americanization was the process of someone from a foreign country coming to the United States becoming a person who shares American values, beliefs, and customs.  
7. Reform was the change to fix what was wrong, corrupt, and unsatisfactory in social, political, and economic community.
8. Progressive Era/ Movement was a period of time when people became more active to make the government better.
9. Trust/ Monopoly was illegal companies that own all parts of business; illegal owners of different companies that meet to reduce competition and form prices.
10. Upton Sinclair was an American author and one- time candidate for governor of California who wrote almost one hundred books, including The Jungle.
11. Urban was characterized by higher population and a greater area of humans compared to surrounding cities.
12. Political Machine was an organization controlled by a powerful boss, commanding the support of people, business, and military workers, who receive rewards for their efforts to "get out the vote" for their candidates on election day.
13. Social Darwinism was a belief that comes from "survival to the fittest", used to show social policies which make no difference between those able to support themselves and those who are unable to.  
14. Muckraker was a change minded journalist who wrote largely for popular magazines to expose governments mistakes.
15. Social Gospel was a Protestant Christian intellectual movement during the early 20th century mainly on social justice issues such as, over wealthy, poorness, addiction to alcohol, crime, racial tensions, bad hygiene, and child labor.
16. Alexander Graham Bell was an scientist, inventor, and innovator who made the first telephone.
17. Europe (Eastern and Southern) was Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Italy, Greece, Spain, and Portugal.
18. Jane Addams was an pioneer agreement worker, founder of Hull House in Chicago, public philosopher, sociologist, author, and leader in women rights to vote in elections and world peace.
19. Immigration are people who moved from where they were born to stay in a different country or region.
20. Henry Bessemer was an English engineer, inventor, and businessman, known for positively effecting the process of making steel.
21. Immigration Act of 1965 removed the national origins quota system that was in effect since the 1920s, replacing it with preference systems that focused on people who came from their native country to live in a different country skills and family relationships; relating to restrictions on visas to 170,000 per year, with a per- country- of- origin quota. 
22. Andrew Carnegie as an Scottish- American involved in management of industry who led the large expansion of the American steel industry in the late 19th century; one of the most important persons in his ear because he promoted the welfare of others.
23. Graft is a form of political dishonest that can be defined as unprincipled use of politician's authority for personal gain.
24. Hull Houses (Settlement Houses) were where important changes in society were made during the late 19th and early 20th centuries; Chicago's Hull was the best known.
25. Cesar Chavez was an American farm worker, labor leader, and civil rights activist (campaigning to make a change); with Dolores Huerta, co- founded the National Farm Workers Association, which later became the United Farm Workers.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Diary Entry #7


(American Flag)

December 04, 1819

Dear Dairy, 

     Today the year is 1819 and I have been alive for 347 years. I remember when I was a young women and now I am an old lady waiting to finally die. I am sitting in my bedroom sick and fill of weakness unable to live any longer. I am in the United States and there is nothing left for me here. My husband Big Bear has passed away this morning due to smallpox and now I will pass tonight due to old age and tiredness. 
     My life has been very fulfilling and fill of courage, strength, and unfairness. The life I've lived has been worth living because I've been able to see the world in two points of views. Everyone has different opinions and I've been able to help my Native American people make a difference in this White world. The United States is slowing processing and changing for the fairness of every individual American. I feel as if I've seen everything I need to see and now it's up to someone else to make create a better United States to live in. Throughout my life I've seen Christopher Columbus, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and much more important people that have made our life what it has become now. These people will always be remembered because they left a legacy, as I hope I leave a legacy with these remarkable entries.
     I now know though my life time of experience that Christopher Columbus did not discover America, he was actually somewhere in Asia. Also, the Constitution has made each individuals life much easier. The Bill of Rights gave each person individual rights that the government could not take away. Life from now on will be completely different than what it was before, it'll be better. It'll be worth living.
Today my life is coming to an end and I predict that in 2019 the land will spring much greener than it is now, the sun will shine brighter and brighter, the government will be under control, the Constitution will benefit every single American no matter the color and gender. Although, I assume since 2019 is 200 years from now there will still be disorganization and unfairness among this universe. I believe color and gender will always play a role in this nation and all we can do is try to make things equal between every human being. Fairness and freedom is important but never as important as the freedom and fairness to live. Without life, we have nothing. 
     My life is slowly fading and soon there will be nothing but a memory...
     With all I have left in me,
                                 -Red Feather


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Diary Entry #6

(Bill of Rights)

(Original 13 colonies)
(Tall bright green grass)

December 2, 1823

Dear Diary,

     Today I took a morning walk with my husband Big Bear in the cold December weather. We searched throughout the United States area that we were staying in. Everything was much different from where we originally were from. The grass was much taller and greener than our homeland. Right now me and my beloved husband are in the library searching though old documents of the past history. The library is so quite and calm I decided to write my entry here. It is important for me to write diary entries because it will help me leave a legacy for the future. I hope that one day someone will find my diary entries when I am gone and see the real past, no made up stories, no bias, and no lies. Today as me and Big Bear where walking around an old man begin telling us a story to help us understand more about the new United States.
    The Anti- Federalist demanded a Bill of Rights in exchange for their support and passage of the Constitution. All states Constitution guaranteed individual rights, and seven of them included a Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights ensured that every individual would have rights upon themselves and the nation. The Bill of Rights was mainly made to ensure that the White men did not take advance of the rights upon people out of their social group. The Bill of Rights was written by a man named, James Madison.
     The original 13 colonies were: Georgia, Maryland, Delaware, Rhode Island, Virginia, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New Jersey.
     By 1819, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Delaware, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and New Hampshire were added to the original 13 colonies.
                                                          -Red Feather 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Dairy Entry #5

(Alexander Hamilton)
(Thomas Jefferson)



April 14, 1789

Dear Dairy,

     Today I learned how to speak correctly though a man named Thomas Jefferson. He taught me how to pronounce English words without shuddering. At first it was very difficult for me to speak out of my language because speaking my own language is where I felt the most comfortable. Although, after many lessons I felt as if I progressed greatly and I am now dedicated to learning proper English. The way Thomas Jefferson helped me understand and speak English was by correcting me on words I mispronounced and taught me simpler ways to understand and memorize words. Right now I am in the United States and am writing this diary during a meeting with the leaders of the United States. I am able to be in this meeting because one of the main leaders Thomas Jefferson is my teacher. Thomas Jefferson told me he would teach me because he wanted me a Native American women to see things in the eyes of White rich man.
     The United States government had to deal with the issues of the judicial system, executive system, and executive departments. The executive departments are: The Department of State which deals with foreign affairs, The Department of War which handles military, and The Department of State with manage finances. The Secretary of State was Thomas Jefferson, the Secretary of Treasury was Alexander Hamilton, and the Secretary of War that soon became cabinet was Henry Knox. The issue was that the president's chief advisers (cabinets) had very different political ideas. Alexander Hamilton believed in a strong central government lead by upper- class citizens (educated elite). Thomas Jefferson on the other had distrusted a strong central government and the rich.
     The United States government handled those issues by creating a two- party system. Alexander Hamilton's vision called themselves Federalist. Thomas Jefferson's vision called themselves Democratic- Republicans.
     The United States government compares to me because it effects the way I will be treated. If Alexander Hamilton had his way I would be left with nothing. I as a Native American women would have no rights, no say, no opinion. The voices that count would only be the inconsiderate rich white men. I agree with the two- party system because it gives individual people a voice, a voice to stand up for ourselves and our beliefs. 
                                                             -Red Feather