Friday, December 14, 2012

Hopelessly Bound to the Stake

Link to cartoon:
-Berhard Gillam

Essential Question:
-Did the government have any responsibility for placing workers on the stake?
The government had some responsibility for placing workers on the stake because they may have contributed to the monopolies by accepting a donation from the monopolies allowing them to be in the senate room where they made laws. Monopolies contributed their thoughts which may have lead the law being made in a different perspective, a perspective that would be helpful to the monopolies but not the working people. 

Hopelessly Bound to the Stake:
1) "Cartoon signifies the cruel treatment by the wealthy industrialists toward their workers."
2) "The workers were overworked and underpaid."
3) "As a consequence to this unfair treatment, workers began organizing labor unions."

1)What are three pieces of information you chose?  Why did you choose the three?
I chose parts of the article because they represented the cruel treatments the monopolies gave their workers. The first part shows that monopolies were wealthy and did not treat their workers with respect. The second part reveals that workers worked too much for too little. The monopolies only cared about themselves rather than themselves and their workers. Lastly, the third part proves that workers later rebel against all the mistreatment by forming groups to go against the monopolies.
2)Were labor unions necessary? Why?
Labor unions were necessary because monopolies were taking advantage of their workers and they rebel by forming labor unions.
3)Did the government help make monopolies? How?
The government helped the monopolies when then the monopolies donated money to the legislative branch to help ensure they would have a say in the laws being made. If the monopolies had a say to the laws the government were making they would try to make laws that would better fit their businesses.  
4)How did money in politics contribute to this cartoon? How has this changed?
Money in politics contributed to this cartoon because the monopolies are the ones who are the wood, meanwhile, the working men is the one being burned. The difference between now and then is that the people with money are not fat or wear top hats any longer. Money still plays a huge part in the world.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent work, Kim. Money does, indeed, play a "huge part" in the world, and in the American political system. Very good analysis.
