Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Post Election Analysis

 Partners: Jenny Juabe and Jomyla Arroyo

-Marijuana Legalization in Colorado and Washington

1. Cite examples of "Supreme Law of the Land"  
-"Marijuana is still illegal in the eyes of the federal government, which overrules states' rights."
2.Cite examples of "federal vs. state authority" 
-"Federal law still says marijuana is an illegal drug."
3. What was the "compromise" that helped to pass the referendum in Washington? How do you think this compromise would affect demand for the product?  
-The compromise that helped pass the referendum in Washington by the process of a heavy tax for marijuana. I think this compromise would affect the demand of marijuana buyers negativity because in this economy people are in poverty and can't afford to pay with the increase of the sales tax. It would impact the individuals who don't use marijuana positively because it makes the uses have to pay more for a drug that now has been legalized. 
4.Why was Oregon's referendum not passed?  
-Oregon's referendum was not passed because it would have handed most of the regulating power in the marijuana industry to the growers rather than independent overseers. Half a dozen marijuana referendums in total, with three of them proposing legalization for recreational purposes, and the others dealing with medical marijuana.
-Obama Victory Tweet

1.What audience did the article say social media was targeted to? Do you agree or disagree? Explain. -Social media was targeted to Tweeter, Facebook, and email. I agree that Tweeter, Facebook, and email were used to target audience because it is the fastest way to communicate, share, and respond during this time of the world.
2. According to the article, which candidate was most effective using social media? (cite a passage from the article)  
-"The words "four more years", coupled with a photo of Barack and Michelle Obama embraced in a hug, have become the most retweeted Twitter post ever. The US president tweeted the message at 0416 GMT, and it has since been retweeted over half a million times. It underlined the now pivotal role social media plays in informing and persuading potential voters."  
3. According to Jeffrey Hermes, taking a picture of your marked ballot can be used to pressure people standing in line to vote. Do you agree or disagree, and why? 
-"Display of a marked ballot to voters waiting in the queue can be used as a form of pressure to vote similarly, or to confuse voters who have difficulty reading English as to how to mark their own ballots". 
I agree that display of a marked ballot influences voters opinion because someone may choice one person over another in order to feel like they are going with the crowd or someone who may not understand how to correctly mark the ballot, therefore, they copy what they see as a sample.

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