Monday, November 5, 2012

Immigration/ Industrialization Key Terms


1. Nativist/ Nativism is favoring the likings of people who were born in the country rather than people who came to live from a foreign country.
2. George Eastman was an American innovator and businessman who founded a company that made film for pictures, after his findings photographing became common.   
3. Horizontal/ Vertical Integration describes a type of business, to promote profits, growth, efficiency, and control supply of trade or service.
4. Meat Inspection Act was a law that prevents mislabeled meat products from being sold as food, to ensure that meat products are killed and produced under sanitary conditions.
5. Thomas Edison made many devices that influenced life around the world positively, as in the record player, motion picture camera, electric light bulb.
6. Americanization was the process of someone from a foreign country coming to the United States becoming a person who shares American values, beliefs, and customs.  
7. Reform was the change to fix what was wrong, corrupt, and unsatisfactory in social, political, and economic community.
8. Progressive Era/ Movement was a period of time when people became more active to make the government better.
9. Trust/ Monopoly was illegal companies that own all parts of business; illegal owners of different companies that meet to reduce competition and form prices.
10. Upton Sinclair was an American author and one- time candidate for governor of California who wrote almost one hundred books, including The Jungle.
11. Urban was characterized by higher population and a greater area of humans compared to surrounding cities.
12. Political Machine was an organization controlled by a powerful boss, commanding the support of people, business, and military workers, who receive rewards for their efforts to "get out the vote" for their candidates on election day.
13. Social Darwinism was a belief that comes from "survival to the fittest", used to show social policies which make no difference between those able to support themselves and those who are unable to.  
14. Muckraker was a change minded journalist who wrote largely for popular magazines to expose governments mistakes.
15. Social Gospel was a Protestant Christian intellectual movement during the early 20th century mainly on social justice issues such as, over wealthy, poorness, addiction to alcohol, crime, racial tensions, bad hygiene, and child labor.
16. Alexander Graham Bell was an scientist, inventor, and innovator who made the first telephone.
17. Europe (Eastern and Southern) was Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Italy, Greece, Spain, and Portugal.
18. Jane Addams was an pioneer agreement worker, founder of Hull House in Chicago, public philosopher, sociologist, author, and leader in women rights to vote in elections and world peace.
19. Immigration are people who moved from where they were born to stay in a different country or region.
20. Henry Bessemer was an English engineer, inventor, and businessman, known for positively effecting the process of making steel.
21. Immigration Act of 1965 removed the national origins quota system that was in effect since the 1920s, replacing it with preference systems that focused on people who came from their native country to live in a different country skills and family relationships; relating to restrictions on visas to 170,000 per year, with a per- country- of- origin quota. 
22. Andrew Carnegie as an Scottish- American involved in management of industry who led the large expansion of the American steel industry in the late 19th century; one of the most important persons in his ear because he promoted the welfare of others.
23. Graft is a form of political dishonest that can be defined as unprincipled use of politician's authority for personal gain.
24. Hull Houses (Settlement Houses) were where important changes in society were made during the late 19th and early 20th centuries; Chicago's Hull was the best known.
25. Cesar Chavez was an American farm worker, labor leader, and civil rights activist (campaigning to make a change); with Dolores Huerta, co- founded the National Farm Workers Association, which later became the United Farm Workers.

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