Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Truman's Labor Polices

Pre-video introduction: http://goo.gl/N31QR
Begin Video at 2 hours and 20 minutes: http://goo.gl/wV46K

1)What were some of the significant challenges President Truman faced after WWII?
-After WWII some significant challenges President Truman faced were that the soldiers no longer wanted to experience rationing. 
2)How did Truman try to help returning G.I.s get jobs after WWII, and how effective was he? Explain your opinion. 
-President Truman helped the returning G.I.s after WWII because he helped provide then with guaranteed employment, minimum wage, housing aid, and benefits. In my opinion he was very effective because he helped many peoples lives and their families by supporting them with essential needs to live life.

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