Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The End of WWII

Reading: http://goo.gl/dH94v

Essential Questions: 
1)Was General MacArthur a successful general? Explain with evidence.
-General Douglas MacArthur was a successful general because he won various battles in the islands of: Bataan, Leyte, and Iwo Jima.
2)Explain how successful the G.I. Bill was to returning soldiers.
-The G.I. Bill of Rights was a Servicemen's Readjustment Act which allowed veterans free education and training. The G.I. Bill of Rights was successful because about 7.8 million veterans took advance of this opportunity.
3)Why were Mexicans in L.A. unfairly treated in 1943?
 -Mexicans in L.A. were treated unfairly during 1943 because 11 sailors in Los Angeles reported they had been attacked by zoot-suit-wearing Mexican Americans. Zoot-suit are a style of dress; long jacket and pleated pants suit along with brodd-brimmed hats. Zoot-suits were adopted by Mexican-American youths as a symbol of their rebellion against traditions.
General MacArthur. (http://www.biography.com/imported/images/Biography/Images/Profiles/M/Douglas-MacArthur-9390257-1-402.jpg)
G.I. Bill of Rights. (http://pdxretro.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/gi-bill_thumb.gif)

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