Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Pop Culture 1950's


Essential Question:
1)What media exploded in the 50's, and how did business respond to this explosion?
-Television media exploded in the 50's and businesses responded to this explosion by creating TV dinners where people are able to put frozen food in disposable trays in the oven and that made it easier for people to watch television.
2)Why did critics not like television?
-Critics did not like television because the effect it had on children and stereotypical portrayal of women and minorities. Television gave an unrealistic sense of what an ideal American is.
3)What's so ironic about rock and roll music in the 1950's?
-The rock and roll music in the 1950's is ironic because it was performed by African Americans and consumed by Whites.


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Truman's Labor Polices

Pre-video introduction:
Begin Video at 2 hours and 20 minutes:

1)What were some of the significant challenges President Truman faced after WWII?
-After WWII some significant challenges President Truman faced were that the soldiers no longer wanted to experience rationing. 
2)How did Truman try to help returning G.I.s get jobs after WWII, and how effective was he? Explain your opinion. 
-President Truman helped the returning G.I.s after WWII because he helped provide then with guaranteed employment, minimum wage, housing aid, and benefits. In my opinion he was very effective because he helped many peoples lives and their families by supporting them with essential needs to live life.

The American Dream 1950's


Essential Questions: 
1)What were some causes for baby boom?
-Some causes for the baby boom were: reunion of husbands and wives after the war, decreasing marriage age, desirability of large families, confidence in continued economic prosperity, and advances in medicine.
2)What did Americans have to do in order to support all the new babies being born?
-Americans had to create more toys, schools, car seats, diapers, bottles, and other baby essentials/needs.
3)How did roles of women change in the 1950's?
-The roles of women changed in the 1950's because the role of homemakers and mothers was being glorified. They were described as, "the key figure in all suburbia, the thread that weaves between family and community-the keeper of the suburban dream." Women began to have an increase in jobs and attending college.
4)What changes allowed the American car explosion to occur?
-American car explosions occurred because there was a lot of gasoline and it was cheap. Another reason would be that it was easy credit, extensive advertising, new freeways, and allowed people to travel from suburbans to cities.

Baby Boom. (

Women's role in 1950's. (

Thursday, May 23, 2013

The American Teenager


Essential Questions
1)How did the lives of teenagers change after TGD and WWII? Explain. 
-The lived of teenagers changed after TGD and WWII because teenagers bought comic books, pimple creams, soft drinks, music, lipstick, etc. Teenagers were able to spend money because there was no longer any rationing/products were aimed for teenagers.
2)What is "White flight?" Was it good for society?
-"White flight" is when middle-class Americans left cities for the suburbs to isolate themselves from other races and classes. This was a bad for society because there no diversity among races and cultures.
3)Why did many Mexicans immigrate to the U.S. before the 1950's?
-Mexicans immigrated to the U.S. before the 1950's because of agriculture. When the U.S. entered WWII, there was a shortage of agricultural laborers. There was also a program in which Mexicans were allowed into the U.S. to harvest crops.

Lipsticks. (
White Flight. (

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Postwar America 1950's


Essential Questions: 
1)What was the U.S. economy like during WWII? How were Americans doing?
-The United States economy was doing okay during WWII. The economy had not rise much after The Great Depression because there was still people with money and not enough goods due to rationing.
2)How did the American economy transform after The Great Depression and WWII?
-The American economy transformed after The Great Depression and WWII because the United States changed from blue-collar workers (factor workers) to white-collar workers (company workers).
3)Why would a company like Google not do well in the 50's?
-A company like Google would not have done well in the 50's because they are mostly individuality rather than conformity.
Blue Collar Workers. (

White Collar Workers. (

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

Analysis Questions: (

1)Bruno moved with his family so his father could be closer to the Nazi death camps. At first only father knew the real reason for moving to the country. Why do you think father was so secretive about why the family moved?
-I think the father was secretive about why the family moved because he did not want his wife or children to back out of the moved. This was proven when the wife found out that Nazis were being burnt at the concentration camp and it was at a see-able/smellable distance from their home.
2)Bruno was taught the think of Jews in a certain way. What was Bruno taught about Jews?
When Bruno fell from the swing a Jewish man helped him.
Why was this event significant to Bruno’s mother’s thinking of Jewish people?

-Bruno was taught the Jews were bad and the reason the war began. This was proven when the tutor taught Bruno about "horrible" things Jews have done. A Jew helping Bruno when he fell off the swing was significant to his mother because it made her think Jews were not actually bad people and placing them in concentration camps, using them as slaves, etc. was mistreating them.
3)Bruno’s father evolved and transformed from a loving father to what? Why?
Bruno evolved and transformed as well.
What kind of boy was he at first, and what did he transform to?

-Bruno's father evolved and transformed from a vicious soldier because he was more invovled in Nazi containment rather than his family. Bruno also transformed from a innocent boy to a caring developing person. He transformed from a innocent boy to a caring developing person. He transformed when he began communicating and creating a friendship with the boy in the concentration camp.
4)Describe your feelings about Bruno’s actions. Include descriptions of the scene and the choice(s) Bruno made, and what difference his actions made.
-Bruno's actions to help the boy in the concentration camp resulted in his life because Bruno died at the end of the movie. The scene was intense because Bruno changed into striped pajamas and crawled under the fence and went into the concentration camp to help his friend find his father but during that process him and his friend got caught up into a group that was being transported to be brunt and they was told they were "taking a shower."  

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. (Bruno) (*qWGPHihv6-Uq5mFAciDgeWoMPsTqqeHB1qbArbVVrATwVAi2L-Z9DclHAsBbnz5VeaFPX6*XvyO1XjDixqth8HhQ*KJGw/2008_the_boy_in_the_striped_pyjamas_wall_002.jpg)
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. (Shmuel) (

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Post WWIII America


Essential Questions:
1)Why were Americans afraid of the Soviet Union?
-Americans were afraid of the Soviet Union because they had very different ambitions for the future which would threaten the American way of life.
2)What did the Russians want int Europe?
-The Russians wanted to enforce communism.
3)What did the Americans want in Europe?
-The Americans wanted to create a new world order in which all nations had the right to self-determination.

Communism. (
33rd President, Harry S. Truman (1945-1953). (

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Japanese Internment & Justice


Essential Questions: 
1)What does the word "internment" mean?
-Interment means to confine someone during war. 
2)Why were Japanese-Americans interned in Manzanar?
-Japanese-Americans were the enemies after Pearl Harbor was bombed because they were half Japanese. 100,000 Japanese-Americans were told to leave their home.
3)Why were Japanese internment policies wrong?
-Japanese interment policies were wrong because families lost homes, jobs, businesses, freedom, etc during the period of time they were held captive. 

Internment. (
Manzanar. (

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The End of WWII


Essential Questions: 
1)Was General MacArthur a successful general? Explain with evidence.
-General Douglas MacArthur was a successful general because he won various battles in the islands of: Bataan, Leyte, and Iwo Jima.
2)Explain how successful the G.I. Bill was to returning soldiers.
-The G.I. Bill of Rights was a Servicemen's Readjustment Act which allowed veterans free education and training. The G.I. Bill of Rights was successful because about 7.8 million veterans took advance of this opportunity.
3)Why were Mexicans in L.A. unfairly treated in 1943?
 -Mexicans in L.A. were treated unfairly during 1943 because 11 sailors in Los Angeles reported they had been attacked by zoot-suit-wearing Mexican Americans. Zoot-suit are a style of dress; long jacket and pleated pants suit along with brodd-brimmed hats. Zoot-suits were adopted by Mexican-American youths as a symbol of their rebellion against traditions.
General MacArthur. (
G.I. Bill of Rights. (

Thursday, May 2, 2013

WWII in the Pacific


Essential Questions:
1)Who promised to "return" to liberate the Philippines?
-Douglas MacArthur promised to "return" and liberate the Philippines.
2)What reasons did the POTUS use for using atomic bombs?
-POTUS reasons for using the atomic bomb was to "save lives."
3)*In 1942, why were the Allies under-strength to fight Japan? 
-Allies were under-strenght to fight Japan because they illed prepared and handicapped by the weather.
4)*Were American submarines effective in the Pacific? Explain.
-American submarines were effective because they were accountable for 63% of sunken ships and were kept a secret for surprise attacks.

Presidents of the United States (POTUS). (

American Submarines. (