Thursday, October 25, 2012

Diary Entry #6

(Bill of Rights)

(Original 13 colonies)
(Tall bright green grass)

December 2, 1823

Dear Diary,

     Today I took a morning walk with my husband Big Bear in the cold December weather. We searched throughout the United States area that we were staying in. Everything was much different from where we originally were from. The grass was much taller and greener than our homeland. Right now me and my beloved husband are in the library searching though old documents of the past history. The library is so quite and calm I decided to write my entry here. It is important for me to write diary entries because it will help me leave a legacy for the future. I hope that one day someone will find my diary entries when I am gone and see the real past, no made up stories, no bias, and no lies. Today as me and Big Bear where walking around an old man begin telling us a story to help us understand more about the new United States.
    The Anti- Federalist demanded a Bill of Rights in exchange for their support and passage of the Constitution. All states Constitution guaranteed individual rights, and seven of them included a Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights ensured that every individual would have rights upon themselves and the nation. The Bill of Rights was mainly made to ensure that the White men did not take advance of the rights upon people out of their social group. The Bill of Rights was written by a man named, James Madison.
     The original 13 colonies were: Georgia, Maryland, Delaware, Rhode Island, Virginia, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New Jersey.
     By 1819, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Delaware, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and New Hampshire were added to the original 13 colonies.
                                                          -Red Feather 

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