Tuesday, April 16, 2013

World War II Part I

1. What treaty did Hitler hate? Why?
 -Hitler hated the Treaty of Versailles because Germany was blamed for starting WWI and forced to pay war debts.
2. Who became dictators during the 1930’s, and for what country?
 -Joseph Stain- Soviet Union/Russia
-Adolf Hitler- Gemany
-Benito Massolini- Italy 
-Fransico Frano- Spain
-Hideki Tojo- Japan    
3. Explain similarities and differences amongst the dictators.
 -Similarities were that when people interfered with their plans they would "get rid of them." Also, they had powerful public speakers.   
4. What was the U.S. thinking as several wars were breaking out?
-FDR wanted to get into war but the Americans and isolationist newspaper said no because they were suffering though the Great Depression.

Adolf Hitler, Germany. (http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-zBBNGl0BwMY/UMGaGM8_EAI/AAAAAAAAEBQ/eaiCJUsVQIU/s1600/adolf-hitler-.jpg)
Treaty of Versailles. (http://www.redicecreations.com/winterwonderland/versailles.jpg)

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