Monday, October 29, 2012

Diary Entry #7


(American Flag)

December 04, 1819

Dear Dairy, 

     Today the year is 1819 and I have been alive for 347 years. I remember when I was a young women and now I am an old lady waiting to finally die. I am sitting in my bedroom sick and fill of weakness unable to live any longer. I am in the United States and there is nothing left for me here. My husband Big Bear has passed away this morning due to smallpox and now I will pass tonight due to old age and tiredness. 
     My life has been very fulfilling and fill of courage, strength, and unfairness. The life I've lived has been worth living because I've been able to see the world in two points of views. Everyone has different opinions and I've been able to help my Native American people make a difference in this White world. The United States is slowing processing and changing for the fairness of every individual American. I feel as if I've seen everything I need to see and now it's up to someone else to make create a better United States to live in. Throughout my life I've seen Christopher Columbus, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and much more important people that have made our life what it has become now. These people will always be remembered because they left a legacy, as I hope I leave a legacy with these remarkable entries.
     I now know though my life time of experience that Christopher Columbus did not discover America, he was actually somewhere in Asia. Also, the Constitution has made each individuals life much easier. The Bill of Rights gave each person individual rights that the government could not take away. Life from now on will be completely different than what it was before, it'll be better. It'll be worth living.
Today my life is coming to an end and I predict that in 2019 the land will spring much greener than it is now, the sun will shine brighter and brighter, the government will be under control, the Constitution will benefit every single American no matter the color and gender. Although, I assume since 2019 is 200 years from now there will still be disorganization and unfairness among this universe. I believe color and gender will always play a role in this nation and all we can do is try to make things equal between every human being. Fairness and freedom is important but never as important as the freedom and fairness to live. Without life, we have nothing. 
     My life is slowly fading and soon there will be nothing but a memory...
     With all I have left in me,
                                 -Red Feather


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Diary Entry #6

(Bill of Rights)

(Original 13 colonies)
(Tall bright green grass)

December 2, 1823

Dear Diary,

     Today I took a morning walk with my husband Big Bear in the cold December weather. We searched throughout the United States area that we were staying in. Everything was much different from where we originally were from. The grass was much taller and greener than our homeland. Right now me and my beloved husband are in the library searching though old documents of the past history. The library is so quite and calm I decided to write my entry here. It is important for me to write diary entries because it will help me leave a legacy for the future. I hope that one day someone will find my diary entries when I am gone and see the real past, no made up stories, no bias, and no lies. Today as me and Big Bear where walking around an old man begin telling us a story to help us understand more about the new United States.
    The Anti- Federalist demanded a Bill of Rights in exchange for their support and passage of the Constitution. All states Constitution guaranteed individual rights, and seven of them included a Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights ensured that every individual would have rights upon themselves and the nation. The Bill of Rights was mainly made to ensure that the White men did not take advance of the rights upon people out of their social group. The Bill of Rights was written by a man named, James Madison.
     The original 13 colonies were: Georgia, Maryland, Delaware, Rhode Island, Virginia, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New Jersey.
     By 1819, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Delaware, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and New Hampshire were added to the original 13 colonies.
                                                          -Red Feather 

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Dairy Entry #5

(Alexander Hamilton)
(Thomas Jefferson)



April 14, 1789

Dear Dairy,

     Today I learned how to speak correctly though a man named Thomas Jefferson. He taught me how to pronounce English words without shuddering. At first it was very difficult for me to speak out of my language because speaking my own language is where I felt the most comfortable. Although, after many lessons I felt as if I progressed greatly and I am now dedicated to learning proper English. The way Thomas Jefferson helped me understand and speak English was by correcting me on words I mispronounced and taught me simpler ways to understand and memorize words. Right now I am in the United States and am writing this diary during a meeting with the leaders of the United States. I am able to be in this meeting because one of the main leaders Thomas Jefferson is my teacher. Thomas Jefferson told me he would teach me because he wanted me a Native American women to see things in the eyes of White rich man.
     The United States government had to deal with the issues of the judicial system, executive system, and executive departments. The executive departments are: The Department of State which deals with foreign affairs, The Department of War which handles military, and The Department of State with manage finances. The Secretary of State was Thomas Jefferson, the Secretary of Treasury was Alexander Hamilton, and the Secretary of War that soon became cabinet was Henry Knox. The issue was that the president's chief advisers (cabinets) had very different political ideas. Alexander Hamilton believed in a strong central government lead by upper- class citizens (educated elite). Thomas Jefferson on the other had distrusted a strong central government and the rich.
     The United States government handled those issues by creating a two- party system. Alexander Hamilton's vision called themselves Federalist. Thomas Jefferson's vision called themselves Democratic- Republicans.
     The United States government compares to me because it effects the way I will be treated. If Alexander Hamilton had his way I would be left with nothing. I as a Native American women would have no rights, no say, no opinion. The voices that count would only be the inconsiderate rich white men. I agree with the two- party system because it gives individual people a voice, a voice to stand up for ourselves and our beliefs. 
                                                             -Red Feather